Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Annoying Child Behavior Problems and How to Manage Them!

It is a very well known fact that the child behavior problems can be very very annoying.

Many parents are often irritated by the behavior of their children – they would like the behavior to stop and / or change, however they do not know what they can do to initiate the ceasing of or the changing of the behavior of their children.
More often than not, parents will simply just become used to annoying behavior and therefore the annoying behaviour simply just escalates. Often to a point where it becomes a bad habit and / or bad behavior. Some parents choose not to pay any attention to their kids annoying behavior, although they are still aware of the behavior of their children.
We all know that all parents would like their children to behave better and that is why parents should be consistently encouraging their children and teaching their children good behavioral practices. If parents remain diligent in teaching their children good behavioral practices, then the bad behavioral habits will eventually cease to be a problem.
Patience is one of the essential key skills that every parent needs when teaching their child to change their behavior. Losing patience is never going to help a child improve his or her behavior. It will just become an additional problem in the future when the child displays a lack of patience when doing things. Something that most kids learn from their parents by the way! Parents need to keep this in mind.
A few helpful tips for managing changing child behavior are:-
- Parents need to approach helping their children overcome an annoying behavioral problem proactively.
For example, when a child starts crying just to get their own way, parents should never give in to the child.
It is better to just leave the child to cry and just continue whatever task you are doing at the time.
By doing this, the child will learn that crying and / or throwing a tantrum is not the way to get what they want.
- Always keep it in mind that children learn how to behave by watching their parents and siblings. The people they spend most of their time with.
If you do not want your child to yell and scream, then you need to set the example by not doing it yourself.
- Explain to your children the types of behaviors you will not accept from them, but keep it short, simple and to the point. Children don’t understand well when they are lectured. They will just lose concentration and start thinking about something else.
- Ban all negative behaviors as well as negative words. Teach them alternative ways to say certain things. Instead of saying NO teach them to say ‘I’m busy right now. I’ll do it in a minute!’
Instant results in your changing child’s behavior are possible, but not likely, so it’s best to remember that all things do take time.
- Take note of when your kids are behaving well and give them lots of encouragement and praise when they are well behaved. Kids love to be praised and they will soon become addicted to it. So, always give praise when it is due.
Your child’s changing behavior is normal, so learn to focus on encouraging good behavior and discouraging bad behavior and there will no longer be any child behavior problems.
There are many things that we as parents can do to manage changing child behavior. Behavior doesn’t usually change overnight, though and a behaviour that you think you have quashed may reappear in the future. Only thing is, it will be a little easier to change a second time round.

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